audited financial statements
Seychelles Pension Fund( SPF)
Date of Establishment:
1st January, 2006
Established under the Seychelles Pension Fund Act, 2005
Sector: Financial
Parent Ministry:
The Minister responsible for Finance
Business type:
Fund jointly supported by employees, employers and the Government of Seychelles.
The Seychelles Pension Fund is a cost sharing retirement system through contributions from employers, employees including the self-employed and investments.
It provides pensions on retirement, in case of disability and to qualified surviving spouses and children in case of death of the member before and after retirement.
It also provides benefits to dependents or heirs where the member does not have children or surviving spouse and through a lump sum payment equivalent to their contribution for those who eventually do not qualify for a pension.
core activities
The Fund shall:
provide for the financial security of members by the
payment of a monthly pension under the Seychelles Pension Fund Act, 2005
provide for the financial security of the surviving spouse and children of members who die before retirement by the payment of a monthly surviving spouse’s pension or children’s pension
provide in accordance with the Act for the financial security of those who are incapacitated due to injuries or illness while being employed or thereafter
provide death benefit where a member dies before reaching
retirement age and has no surviving spouse living with him or has no children at the time of death
enable workers to spend their retirement in basic comfort
promote individual voluntary contributions to the Fund
enable members to use the voluntary contributions to their credit as security for a housing loan or a loan for medical treatment
The Subsidiary
Name: Opportunity Investment Company Ltd (OICL)
Date of Incorporation: 13th January, 2006
Parent Ministry: : The Minister responsible for Finance
Principal activity: Investment holding