audited financial statements
Seychelles Fishing Authority (SFA)
Date of Incorporation:
The Seychelles Fishing Authority was established in August 1984 under Seychelles Fishing Authority (Establishment) Act
[31st August, 1984.]
Sector: Service and Development
Parent Ministry:
The Minister responsible for Fisheries
Ownership: 100% GoS
Business type:
The official mandates of the SFA are defined under Section 5 of the Seychelles Fishing Authority (Establishment) Act of 1984. Its powers are defined under Section 6 of the same Act with additional, more specific powers defined under the Fisheries Act (2014) and the Fisheries Regulations (1987). SFA’s mandates as stipulated in the Establishment Act are:
(a) to promote, organize and develop fishing, fishing industries and fishing resources in Seychelles;
(b) to assist in the formulation of the national policy with respect to fishing, fishing industries and fishing resources and in the implementation of that policy;
(c) to conduct negotiations, or engage in meetings, seminars or discussions, with regard to fishing or fisheries or the establishment or operation of fishing industries, whether at a national or international level, on behalf of the Republic or otherwise;
(d) to identity the manpower training requirements of Seychelles with regard to fishing and fishing industries;
(e) Those mentioned in any other written law.